Cheshire Open
.: T220319A :.

Submitted by Matt Marsh (marshmn)

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; TC[T220319A]
; CL[B]
; EV[Cheshire Open]
; PC[UK, Frodsham]
; DT[2022-03-19,2022-03-19]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[60]
; CM[ (submitted by marshmn)]
;McMahon Bar 4k players 10
119886570Runyi Wu5dUKShfU3439804+/b05+/w02+/w0
219801540Changhao Huang5dUKLpol3329808+/b03+/w01-/b0
319850413Tianyi Chen5dUKLpol3329706+/w02-/b05+/b0
419713386Leshan Feng5dUKLpol3329701-/w08+/w06+/b0
518962658Sam Barnett2kUKCHuS3219907+/w01-/b03-/w0
613750451Yangran Zhang3dUKManc3219703-/b09+/w04-/w0
718033906Ai Guan1kUKLanc3219405-/b010-/w08+/b0
819325108Colin Williams4kUKBris3109802-/w04-/b07-/w0
919898571Daniel Guest5kUKShfU31193010+/w06-/b012-/w1
1012701942David Horan5kUKChes3119309-/b07+/b011-/w1
1118701837Ryan Griffiths6kUKChes30190013-/w112-/w010+/b1
1219833572Joseph Violet8kUKNott30389014+/w011+/b09+/b1
1319733736Bjorn Eurenius8kUKLanc29282011+/b114-/w115+/w3
1419662324Marco Praderio9kUKLanc28283012-/b013+/b116+/w2
1518950657Rahul Surapaneni13kUKCHuS24275016+/b017+/w113-/b3
1618737840Jetrie Griffiths12kUKChes24172015-/w019+/w314-/b2
1718086321Megan Upton15kUKCHuS22262019+/w015-/b120+/w2
1819801573Daniel Kelsall17kUKCHuS21351020+/w021+/w223+/w3
1919813574Joseph Martin16kUKShfU20155017-/b016-/b325+/w9
2018474951Elliot Barlow18kUKCHuS18159018-/b023+/w017-/b2
2119374014Phillip Harvey20kUKNott17245024+/b018-/b226+/w7
2219837576Vlad Brebeanu20kUKLanc17238023-/b024+/w027+/w9
2319025094Abdul-Ghani Farooqi20kUKCHuS16156022+/w020-/b018-/b3
2419850578Florian Pein20kUKLanc16139021-/w022-/b028+/w9
2519862579James Zhao28kUKCHuS9234026+/w027+/w119-/b9
2619874580Austin Pittaway28kUKCHuS8131025-/b028+/w121-/b7
2719886581Tom Satterthwaite30kUKCHuS6131028+/w025-/b122-/b9
2819898582James Hawken30kUKCHuS5030027-/b026-/b124-/b9
2919837026Rohit Surapaneni35kUKCHuS334030+/b032+/w033+/w0
3019833583Toby Scott35kUKCHuS226029-/w031+/b032+/w0
3119801584Farhad Ahmed35kUKCHuS223033+/b030-/w034+/w0
3219825586Dom Cantrill35kUKShfU115034+/w029-/b030-/b0
3319837587Georgia Staal35kUKShfU115031-/w034+/b029-/b0
3419850589Max Cavaco35kUKCHuS004032-/b033-/w031-/b0
; TC[T220319A]
; CL[B]
; EV[Cheshire Open]
; PC[UK, Frodsham]
; DT[2022-03-19,2022-03-19]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[60]
; CM[ (submitted by marshmn)]
;McMahon Bar 4k  players 10
;POSN NAME                       GR CO CLU    MMS WIN     SOS  NONE        1         2         3  
 1 Wu Runyi              5d UK  ShfU  34   3    98   0    4+/b0   5+/w0   2+/w0    |19886570
 2 Huang Changhao        5d UK  Lpol  33   2    98   0    8+/b0   3+/w0   1-/b0    |19801540
 3 Chen Tianyi           5d UK  Lpol  33   2    97   0    6+/w0   2-/b0   5+/b0    |19850413
 4 Feng Leshan           5d UK  Lpol  33   2    97   0    1-/w0   8+/w0   6+/b0    |19713386
 5 Barnett Sam           2k UK  CHuS  32   1    99   0    7+/w0   1-/b0   3-/w0    |18962658
 6 Zhang Yangran         3d UK  Manc  32   1    97   0    3-/b0   9+/w0   4-/w0    |13750451
 7 Guan Ai               1k UK  Lanc  32   1    94   0    5-/b0   10-/w0  8+/b0    |18033906
 8 Williams Colin        4k UK  Bris  31   0    98   0    2-/w0   4-/b0   7-/w0    |19325108
 9 Guest Daniel          5k UK  ShfU  31   1    93   0    10+/w0  6-/b0   12-/w1   |19898571
10 Horan David           5k UK  Ches  31   1    93   0    9-/b0   7+/b0   11-/w1   |12701942
11 Griffiths Ryan        6k UK  Ches  30   1    90   0    13-/w1  12-/w0  10+/b1   |18701837
12 Violet Joseph         8k UK  Nott  30   3    89   0    14+/w0  11+/b0  9+/b1    |19833572
13 Eurenius Bjorn        8k UK  Lanc  29   2    82   0    11+/b1  14-/w1  15+/w3   |19733736
14 Praderio Marco        9k UK  Lanc  28   2    83   0    12-/b0  13+/b1  16+/w2   |19662324
15 Surapaneni Rahul     13k UK  CHuS  24   2    75   0    16+/b0  17+/w1  13-/b3   |18950657
16 Griffiths Jetrie     12k UK  Ches  24   1    72   0    15-/w0  19+/w3  14-/b2   |18737840
17 Upton Megan          15k UK  CHuS  22   2    62   0    19+/w0  15-/b1  20+/w2   |18086321
18 Kelsall Daniel       17k UK  CHuS  21   3    51   0    20+/w0  21+/w2  23+/w3   |19801573
19 Martin Joseph        16k UK  ShfU  20   1    55   0    17-/b0  16-/b3  25+/w9   |19813574
20 Barlow Elliot        18k UK  CHuS  18   1    59   0    18-/b0  23+/w0  17-/b2   |18474951
21 Harvey Phillip       20k UK  Nott  17   2    45   0    24+/b0  18-/b2  26+/w7   |19374014
22 Brebeanu Vlad        20k UK  Lanc  17   2    38   0    23-/b0  24+/w0  27+/w9   |19837576
23 Farooqi Abdul-Ghani  20k UK  CHuS  16   1    56   0    22+/w0  20-/b0  18-/b3   |19025094
24 Pein Florian         20k UK  Lanc  16   1    39   0    21-/w0  22-/b0  28+/w9   |19850578
25 Zhao James           28k UK  CHuS  9    2    34   0    26+/w0  27+/w1  19-/b9   |19862579
26 Pittaway Austin      28k UK  CHuS  8    1    31   0    25-/b0  28+/w1  21-/b7   |19874580
27 Satterthwaite Tom    30k UK  CHuS  6    1    31   0    28+/w0  25-/b1  22-/b9   |19886581
28 Hawken James         30k UK  CHuS  5    0    30   0    27-/b0  26-/b1  24-/b9   |19898582
29 Surapaneni Rohit     35k UK  CHuS  3    3    4    0    30+/b0  32+/w0  33+/w0   |19837026
30 Scott Toby           35k UK  CHuS  2    2    6    0    29-/w0  31+/b0  32+/w0   |19833583
31 Ahmed Farhad         35k UK  CHuS  2    2    3    0    33+/b0  30-/w0  34+/w0   |19801584
32 Cantrill Dom         35k UK  ShfU  1    1    5    0    34+/w0  29-/b0  30-/b0   |19825586
33 Staal Georgia        35k UK  ShfU  1    1    5    0    31-/w0  34+/b0  29-/b0   |19837587
34 Cavaco Max           35k UK  CHuS  0    0    4    0    32-/b0  33-/w0  31-/b0   |19850589
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Tianyi Chen's

Tianyi Chen's opponents list
1 13750451 Yangran Zhang      UK Manc 3d 2381 0 6 1985041313750451T220319A1
2 19801540 Changhao Huang      UK Lpol 5d 2497 0 2 1980154019850413T220319A2
3 18962658 Sam Barnett      UK CHuS 2k 1903 0 5 1985041318962658T220319A3

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  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
United Kingdom UK 8 34 Bris 1
        Ches 3
        CHuS 14
        Lanc 5
        Lpol 3
        Manc 1
        Nott 2
        ShfU 5

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
1 8 34
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