.: T220611E :.

Submitted by Geoff Kaniuk (geoffkaniuk)

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; TC[T220611E]
; CL[B]
; EV[Durham]
; PC[UK, place]
; DT[2022-06-11,2022-06-12]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[50]
; CM[(submitted by geoffkaniuk)]
;McMahon Bar 1k players 8
119062571Guodong Cao4dUKOxfU34519411572+/b04+/w05+/b06+/w03-/b07+/w0
220150053Zheng Wang5dUKNoCb34519211481-/w08+/b07+/w05+/b06+/b03+/w0
318574864Peikai Xue3dUKUCL33419311456-/w09+/b04+/b07+/b01+/w02-/b0
420162054Jacky Yang2dUKDurm33419211487+/w01-/b03-/w08+/b05+/w06+/b0
517513562Sam Bithell2dUKDurm32319211248+/b06+/w01-/w02-/w04-/b011+/w0
619898648Haozhe Zhu2dUKLees31219611423+/b05-/b09+/w01-/b02-/w04-/w0
710286067Toby Manning1dUKLeic31219211214-/b014+/w02-/b03-/w08+/w01-/b0
812686278Tom Coulthard1kUKNewc31218110845-/w02-/w014+/b04-/w07-/b022+/b5
917862251Michael Kyle2kUKEdin302179106510+/w03-/w06-/b011-/w113+/w00=0
1012733941Jamie Coulthard3kUKNewc2921719859-/b012-/w013-/w014+/b011-/b015+/w0
1119825872Daniel Lynch5kUKNoCb294169102214-/b018+/w016+/w09+/b110+/w05-/b0
1219237482Daniel Milne4kUKDurm2911599660=010+/b00=00=00=00=0
1319837873Leonardo Forchini6kUKNoCb29515792619+/w016+/b010+/b017+/w19-/b025+/w6
1410401985Martin Harvey4kUKManc27116998911+/w07-/b08-/w010-/w022-/w321-/w2
1519301370Nicholas Yelland8kUKDurm27515287221+/b017+/b020+/w016+/b025+/w410-/b0
1610701614David Killen6kUKChel26215893418+/b013-/w011-/b015-/w023+/w00=0
1718786735James Urquhart6kUKDurm2621488770=015-/w018+/b013-/b126-/w623+/w0
1812398782Paul Callaghan6kUKDurm25015393416-/w011-/b017-/w00=00=00=0
1919213480John_M McAnally7kUKManc25014487713-/b00=00=00=00=00=0
2020186056David Derbyshire8kUKNoCb25314080923-/w124+/b015-/b025+/w121-/w026+/w4
2117237583Chris Muse8kUKDurm25312981815-/w022-/w027+/w90-020+/b014+/b2
2219313371Robin Nandi10kUKDurm24414787225+/b021+/b023-/w026+/w314+/b38-/w5
2314037705Aorja Harris10kUKStev24414584420+/b126+/w222+/b00+016-/b017-/b0
2416013063Alice Ambrose-Thurman8kUKDurm2401358150=020-/w00=00=00=00=0
2513813327Patrick Ridley10kUKChes21112678322-/w027-/w926+/w120-/b115-/b413-/b6
2610801824Daffyd Robinson13kUKLcln19212277127+/w923-/b225-/b122-/b317+/b620-/b4
2720198057Daniel Bainbridge30kUKDurm216557226-/b925+/b921-/b90=00=00=0
; TC[T220611E]
; CL[B]
; EV[Durham]
; PC[UK, place]
; DT[2022-06-11,2022-06-12]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[50]
; CM[(submitted by geoffkaniuk)]
;McMahon Bar 1k  players 8
;POSN NAME                       GR CO CLU    MMS WIN     SOS  SOSOS       1         2         3         4         5         6  
 1 Cao Guodong             4d UK  OxfU  34   5    194  1157 2+/b0   4+/w0   5+/b0   6+/w0   3-/b0   7+/w0    |19062571
 2 Wang Zheng              5d UK  NoCb  34   5    192  1148 1-/w0   8+/b0   7+/w0   5+/b0   6+/b0   3+/w0    |20150053
 3 Xue Peikai              3d UK  UCL   33   4    193  1145 6-/w0   9+/b0   4+/b0   7+/b0   1+/w0   2-/b0    |18574864
 4 Yang Jacky              2d UK  Durm  33   4    192  1148 7+/w0   1-/b0   3-/w0   8+/b0   5+/w0   6+/b0    |20162054
 5 Bithell Sam             2d UK  Durm  32   3    192  1124 8+/b0   6+/w0   1-/w0   2-/w0   4-/b0   11+/w0   |17513562
 6 Zhu Haozhe              2d UK  Lees  31   2    196  1142 3+/b0   5-/b0   9+/w0   1-/b0   2-/w0   4-/w0    |19898648
 7 Manning Toby            1d UK  Leic  31   2    192  1121 4-/b0   14+/w0  2-/b0   3-/w0   8+/w0   1-/b0    |10286067
 8 Coulthard Tom           1k UK  Newc  31   2    181  1084 5-/w0   2-/w0   14+/b0  4-/w0   7-/b0   22+/b5   |12686278
 9 Kyle Michael            2k UK  Edin  30   2    179  1065 10+/w0  3-/w0   6-/b0   11-/w1  13+/w0  0=0      |17862251
10 Coulthard Jamie         3k UK  Newc  29   2    171  985  9-/b0   12-/w0  13-/w0  14+/b0  11-/b0  15+/w0   |12733941
11 Lynch Daniel            5k UK  NoCb  29   4    169  1022 14-/b0  18+/w0  16+/w0  9+/b1   10+/w0  5-/b0    |19825872
12 Milne Daniel            4k UK  Durm  29   1    159  966  0=0     10+/b0  0=0     0=0     0=0     0=0      |19237482
13 Forchini Leonardo       6k UK  NoCb  29   5    157  926  19+/w0  16+/b0  10+/b0  17+/w1  9-/b0   25+/w6   |19837873
14 Harvey Martin           4k UK  Manc  27   1    169  989  11+/w0  7-/b0   8-/w0   10-/w0  22-/w3  21-/w2   |10401985
15 Yelland Nicholas        8k UK  Durm  27   5    152  872  21+/b0  17+/b0  20+/w0  16+/b0  25+/w4  10-/b0   |19301370
16 Killen David            6k UK  Chel  26   2    158  934  18+/b0  13-/w0  11-/b0  15-/w0  23+/w0  0=0      |10701614
17 Urquhart James          6k UK  Durm  26   2    148  877  0=0     15-/w0  18+/b0  13-/b1  26-/w6  23+/w0   |18786735
18 Callaghan Paul          6k UK  Durm  25   0    153  934  16-/w0  11-/b0  17-/w0  0=0     0=0     0=0      |12398782
19 McAnally John_M         7k UK  Manc  25   0    144  877  13-/b0  0=0     0=0     0=0     0=0     0=0      |19213480
20 Derbyshire David        8k UK  NoCb  25   3    140  809  23-/w1  24+/b0  15-/b0  25+/w1  21-/w0  26+/w4   |20186056
21 Muse Chris              8k UK  Durm  25   3    129  818  15-/w0  22-/w0  27+/w9  0-0     20+/b0  14+/b2   |17237583
22 Nandi Robin            10k UK  Durm  24   4    147  872  25+/b0  21+/b0  23-/w0  26+/w3  14+/b3  8-/w5    |19313371
23 Harris Aorja           10k UK  Stev  24   4    145  844  20+/b1  26+/w2  22+/b0  0+0     16-/b0  17-/b0   |14037705
24 Ambrose-Thurman Alice   8k UK  Durm  24   0    135  815  0=0     20-/w0  0=0     0=0     0=0     0=0      |16013063
25 Ridley Patrick         10k UK  Ches  21   1    126  783  22-/w0  27-/w9  26+/w1  20-/b1  15-/b4  13-/b6   |13813327
26 Robinson Daffyd        13k UK  Lcln  19   2    122  771  27+/w9  23-/b2  25-/b1  22-/b3  17+/b6  20-/b4   |10801824
27 Bainbridge Daniel      30k UK  Durm  2    1    65   572  26-/b9  25+/b9  21-/b9  0=0     0=0     0=0      |20198057
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Zheng Wang's

Zheng Wang's opponents list
1 19062571 Guodong Cao      UK OxfU 4d 2407 0 1 1906257120150053T220611E1
2 12686278 Tom Coulthard      UK Newc 1k 1992 0 8 2015005312686278T220611E2
3 10286067 Toby Manning      UK Leic 1d 2132 0 7 2015005310286067T220611E3
4 17513562 Sam Bithell      UK Durm 2d 2182 0 5 2015005317513562T220611E4
5 19898648 Haozhe Zhu      UK Lees 2d 2206 0 6 2015005319898648T220611E5
6 18574864 Peikai Xue      UK UCL 3d 2346 0 3 2015005318574864T220611E6

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  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
United Kingdom UK 13 27 Chel 1
        Ches 1
        Durm 10
        Edin 1
        Lcln 1
        Lees 1
        Leic 1
        Manc 2
        Newc 2
        NoCb 4
        OxfU 1
        Stev 1
        UCL 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
1 13 27
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