Three Peaks
.: T231104B :.

Submitted by Matt Marsh (marshmn)

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; TC[T231104B]
; CL[B]
; EV[Three Peaks]
; PC[UK, Ingleton]
; DT[2023-11-04,2023-11-05]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[60]
; CM[ (submitted by marshmn)]
;McMahon Bar 2d players 6
118913279Ryan Zhang2dUKLndn3651678372+/b05+/w03+/w04+/b06+/w0
218574864Peikai Xue4dUKUCL3541678351-/w06+/b04+/w03+/b07+/w0
313750451Yangran Zhang3dUKManc3431698265+/w04+/w01-/b02-/w08+/b0
420398257Zhan Shi3dUKManc3321698296+/w03-/b02-/b01-/w09+/w0
520474795Shuo Sun2dUKLanc3311648263-/b01-/b07+/w00=00=0
610298046Alistair Wall2dUKWans3211688204-/b02-/w08+/b09-/w01-/b0
710286067Toby Manning1dUKLeic32216279511-/w09+/b05-/b013+/w02-/b0
812686278Tom Coulthard1kUKNewc32315979514+/w011+/b06-/w010+/b03-/w0
917862251Michael Kyle1kUKEdin32315880412+/w07-/w014+/w16+/b04-/b0
1019601956Claire Chen2dUKLanc3211537720=00=00=08-/w012+/b0
1118033906Ai Guan1kUKBmhm3121547747+/b08-/w013-/b012-/w017+/w1
1210749618Matthew Reid1kUKCamb3121547649-/b013-/w017+/w011+/b010-/w0
1319733736Bjorn Eurenius2kUKLanc31315276418+/w112+/b011+/w07-/b014-/w1
1410486982Helen Harvey2kUKManc3021517528-/b020-/w19-/b119+/w013+/b1
1519362167Stephen Tweedie5kUKEdin29413868922+/b017-/b024+/w021+/b018+/b0
1612350041Michael Cumpstey5kUKCumb29313267825+/b021+/w020+/b00=00=0
1712701942David Horan4kUKChes28214773119+/w015+/w012-/b018-/w011-/b1
1810262153Edward Blockley4kUKNoCb28214371413-/b119-/w022+/b017+/b015-/w0
1910901341Roger Murby4kUKCamb28214272117-/b018+/b021-/w014-/b020+/b0
2015749690Rob Payne5kUKEdin28314168923+/w014+/b116-/w022+/w019-/w0
2110401985Martin Harvey5kUKManc28313967124+/w016-/b019+/b015-/w025+/w0
2219662324Marco Praderio5kUKLanc27213566915-/w023+/b018-/w020-/b029+/w2
2310813539Chris Kirkham5kUKManc27212966520-/b022-/w00=025+/b027+/w2
2419850578Florian Pein6kUKLanc27312563821-/b025+/b015-/b027+/w131+/w6
2510501689Frank Visser5kNLAmst26113464616-/w024-/w028+/w123-/w021-/b0
2619037678Leandro_Soriano Marcolino9kUKLanc26510455129+/w027+/b033+/w930+/w328+/w1
2713813327Patrick Ridley8kUKChes23112659728+/b026-/w029-/w124-/b123-/b2
2810998086Adrian Abrahams7kUKLanc23012160327-/w029-/w225-/b10=026-/b1
2920301413John Armitage10kUKLanc23311858726-/b028+/b227+/b131+/w222-/b2
3010425987Anthony Pitchford11kUKChes2119948531-/w232+/w30=026-/b30=0
3120362419Lauren Hindmarch14kUKLanc19310151130+/b233+/w332+/w229-/b224-/b6
3220349417Hopkins Cheung16kUKLanc1618245133+/w030-/b331-/b20=00=0
3320301248Clinton Yu17kUKManc1408746132-/b031-/b326-/b90=00=0
; TC[T231104B]
; CL[B]
; EV[Three Peaks]
; PC[UK, Ingleton]
; DT[2023-11-04,2023-11-05]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[60]
; CM[ (submitted by marshmn)]
;McMahon Bar 2d  players 6
;POSN NAME                       GR CO CLU    MMS WIN     SOS  SOSOS       1         2         3         4         5  
 1 Zhang Ryan                  2d UK  Lndn  36   5    167  837  2+/b0   5+/w0   3+/w0   4+/b0   6+/w0    |18913279
 2 Xue Peikai                  4d UK  UCL   35   4    167  835  1-/w0   6+/b0   4+/w0   3+/b0   7+/w0    |18574864
 3 Zhang Yangran               3d UK  Manc  34   3    169  826  5+/w0   4+/w0   1-/b0   2-/w0   8+/b0    |13750451
 4 Shi Zhan                    3d UK  Manc  33   2    169  829  6+/w0   3-/b0   2-/b0   1-/w0   9+/w0    |20398257
 5 Sun Shuo                    2d UK  Lanc  33   1    164  826  3-/b0   1-/b0   7+/w0   0=0     0=0      |20474795
 6 Wall Alistair               2d UK  Wans  32   1    168  820  4-/b0   2-/w0   8+/b0   9-/w0   1-/b0    |10298046
 7 Manning Toby                1d UK  Leic  32   2    162  795  11-/w0  9+/b0   5-/b0   13+/w0  2-/b0    |10286067
 8 Coulthard Tom               1k UK  Newc  32   3    159  795  14+/w0  11+/b0  6-/w0   10+/b0  3-/w0    |12686278
 9 Kyle Michael                1k UK  Edin  32   3    158  804  12+/w0  7-/w0   14+/w1  6+/b0   4-/b0    |17862251
10 Chen Claire                 2d UK  Lanc  32   1    153  772  0=0     0=0     0=0     8-/w0   12+/b0   |19601956
11 Guan Ai                     1k UK  Bmhm  31   2    154  774  7+/b0   8-/w0   13-/b0  12-/w0  17+/w1   |18033906
12 Reid Matthew                1k UK  Camb  31   2    154  764  9-/b0   13-/w0  17+/w0  11+/b0  10-/w0   |10749618
13 Eurenius Bjorn              2k UK  Lanc  31   3    152  764  18+/w1  12+/b0  11+/w0  7-/b0   14-/w1   |19733736
14 Harvey Helen                2k UK  Manc  30   2    151  752  8-/b0   20-/w1  9-/b1   19+/w0  13+/b1   |10486982
15 Tweedie Stephen             5k UK  Edin  29   4    138  689  22+/b0  17-/b0  24+/w0  21+/b0  18+/b0   |19362167
16 Cumpstey Michael            5k UK  Cumb  29   3    132  678  25+/b0  21+/w0  20+/b0  0=0     0=0      |12350041
17 Horan David                 4k UK  Ches  28   2    147  731  19+/w0  15+/w0  12-/b0  18-/w0  11-/b1   |12701942
18 Blockley Edward             4k UK  NoCb  28   2    143  714  13-/b1  19-/w0  22+/b0  17+/b0  15-/w0   |10262153
19 Murby Roger                 4k UK  Camb  28   2    142  721  17-/b0  18+/b0  21-/w0  14-/b0  20+/b0   |10901341
20 Payne Rob                   5k UK  Edin  28   3    141  689  23+/w0  14+/b1  16-/w0  22+/w0  19-/w0   |15749690
21 Harvey Martin               5k UK  Manc  28   3    139  671  24+/w0  16-/b0  19+/b0  15-/w0  25+/w0   |10401985
22 Praderio Marco              5k UK  Lanc  27   2    135  669  15-/w0  23+/b0  18-/w0  20-/b0  29+/w2   |19662324
23 Kirkham Chris               5k UK  Manc  27   2    129  665  20-/b0  22-/w0  0=0     25+/b0  27+/w2   |10813539
24 Pein Florian                6k UK  Lanc  27   3    125  638  21-/b0  25+/b0  15-/b0  27+/w1  31+/w6   |19850578
25 Visser Frank                5k NL  Amst  26   1    134  646  16-/w0  24-/w0  28+/w1  23-/w0  21-/b0   |10501689
26 Marcolino Leandro_Soriano   9k UK  Lanc  26   5    104  551  29+/w0  27+/b0  33+/w9  30+/w3  28+/w1   |19037678
27 Ridley Patrick              8k UK  Ches  23   1    126  597  28+/b0  26-/w0  29-/w1  24-/b1  23-/b2   |13813327
28 Abrahams Adrian             7k UK  Lanc  23   0    121  603  27-/w0  29-/w2  25-/b1  0=0     26-/b1   |10998086
29 Armitage John              10k UK  Lanc  23   3    118  587  26-/b0  28+/b2  27+/b1  31+/w2  22-/b2   |20301413
30 Pitchford Anthony          11k UK  Ches  21   1    99   485  31-/w2  32+/w3  0=0     26-/b3  0=0      |10425987
31 Hindmarch Lauren           14k UK  Lanc  19   3    101  511  30+/b2  33+/w3  32+/w2  29-/b2  24-/b6   |20362419
32 Cheung Hopkins             16k UK  Lanc  16   1    82   451  33+/w0  30-/b3  31-/b2  0=0     0=0      |20349417
33 Yu Clinton                 17k UK  Manc  14   0    87   461  32-/b0  31-/b3  26-/b9  0=0     0=0      |20301248
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David Horan's

David Horan's opponents list
1 10901341 Roger Murby      UK Camb 4k 1684 0 19 1270194210901341T231104B1
2 19362167 Stephen Tweedie      UK Edin 5k 1640 0 15 1936216712701942T231104B2
3 10749618 Matthew Reid      UK Camb 1k 2033 0 12 1074961812701942T231104B3
4 10262153 Edward Blockley      UK NoCb 4k 1657 0 18 1270194210262153T231104B4
5 18033906 Ai Guan      UK Bmhm 1k 2045 1 11 1803390612701942T231104B5

Sgf file of the game Sgf file of the game with comments no Sgf file see all matches vs this player

  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
Netherlands NL 1 1 Amst 1
United Kingdom UK 13 32 Bmhm 1
        Camb 2
        Ches 3
        Cumb 1
        Edin 3
        Lanc 10
        Leic 1
        Lndn 1
        Manc 6
        Newc 1
        NoCb 1
        UCL 1
        Wans 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
2 14 33
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