Bled - Vladimir Omejc Memorial
.: T240412A :.

Submitted by kraljand

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; TC[T240412A]
; CL[A]
; EV[Bled - Vladimir Omejc Memorial]
; PC[SI, Bled]
; DT[2024-04-12,2024-04-14]
; HA[h2]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[99]
; CM[ (submitted by kraljand)]
113201914Lukas Podpera7dCZAPWS166828+/w4+/b6+/w2+/w3+/b5+/b
217437574Stjepan Medak3dHRVrba155813+/w5+/b16+/w1-/b4+/b7+/w
318262739Roko Crvelin3dHRZagr144812-/b12+/w7+/w6+/b1-/w13+/w
416462072Michal Timko3dCZAPWS1448016+/b1-/w10+/b5+/b2-/w6+/w
510433016Gregor Butala5dSILjub1338210+/b2-/w8+/b4-/w11+/b1-/w
615933236Anton Silfver3dSELink133829+/b7+/w1-/b3-/w14+/w4-/b
720437791Zhentao Liu5dCHZur1337811+/w6-/b3-/b14+/w10+/w2-/b
810637451Dragan Dubakovic3dRSKGRa133761-/b13+/b5-/w11-/w18+/b10+/w
910213016Vladimir Danek5dCZAPra133716-/w16-/b19+/w10-/b15+/w11+/b
1010325986Andrej Kralj3dSILjub122785-/w11+/b4-/w9+/w7-/b8-/b
1112533697Timotej Suc4dSILjub122767-/b10-/w15+/b8+/b5-/w9-/w
1216225396Adriana Tomsu2dCZTFMi1237115+/w3-/b14-/b13-/w20+/w19+/b
1314913536Andrew Swan1dUKLjub1247118+/b8-/w21+/w12+/b16+/w3-/b
1418513286Tadej Tukara1dHRGare1247017+/w21+/b12+/w7-/b6-/b16+/w
1510433346Janez Janza2dSIMari1236912-/b17+/b11-/w16+/w9-/b20+/w
1613050510Damir Galic3dSILjub111784-/w9+/w2-/b15-/b13-/b14-/b
1714898048Andrej Flajs2dSILjub1126314-/b15-/w18-/w20-/b23+/b22+/b
1818298742Teo Sladetic1kHRZagr1146313-/w25+/w17+/b21+/b8-/w23+/b
1918637256Karlo Vlahovic1kHRVGor1146125+/b20+/w9-/b23+/w22+/w12-/w
2019613396Oliver Skocic1kHRGKIN1036423+/w19-/b22+/w17+/w12-/b15-/b
2114886740Maja Logar1dSILjub1016022+/b14-/w13-/b18-/w0=0=
2210486861David Hilbert1dATGraz916021-/w23-/b20-/b24+/w19-/b17-/w
2310350109Aleksandar Milosevic1kRSBGbg926020-/b22+/w25+/b19-/b17-/w18-/w
2418286741Tonka Zderic4kHRZagr954433+/b28+/b26+/w22-/b30+/w25+/w
2517913093Ziga Hajdukovic2kSILjub825519-/w18-/b23-/w28+/w26+/b24-/b
2619098651Jakov Sicic4kHRVGor844227+/b35+/w24-/b30+/w25-/w31+/b
2719737641Lilly Hu4kATGo7843726-/w31-/b34+/b35+/w36+/w28+/w
2812337534Ondrej Jurasek4kCZBrno7342=29+/b24-/w35+/w25-/b31+/w27-/b
2917450895Tadej Turk4kSIKrnj6=02728-/w0=0=0=0=0=
3019786745Cherry Hu5kATGo7634134+/b33+/w31+/w26-/b24-/b32-/w
3116450247Vladimir Ribicic4kHRVGor624035-/b27+/w30-/b32+/w28-/b26-/w
3220462046Andrej Zdovc6kSILjub6431=36+/w34-/w33+/b31-/b40+/w930+/b
3310337107Zeljko Veselinovic4kRSNiPr623124-/w30-/b32-/w36-/b38+/w941+/w9
3412674904Nenad Denadic5kSIKrnj623130-/w32+/b27-/w0=0=36+/b
3510286936Kurt Paar4kATWien513731+/w26-/b28-/b27-/b39-/w938-/w9
3612433179Andras Holubar6kHUPaGo5334=32-/b37+/w39+/w833+/w27-/b34-/w
3719398456Enej Suc7kSILjub4=318=0=36-/b38-/w90+41+/w939+/w7
3820398642Ziga Kralj18kSILjub442339-/b40+/w37+/b941+/w233-/b935+/b9
3919798746Ivana Hajdukovic16kSILjub442238+/w41+/w436-/b840+/b35+/b937-/b7
4019486709Judita Sicic17kHRVGor2=216=0=38-/b41+/w339-/w32-/b90+
4120186045Teja Suc22kSILjub11210+39-/b440-/b338-/b237-/b933-/b9
; TC[T240412A]
; CL[A]
; EV[Bled - Vladimir Omejc Memorial]
; PC[SI, Bled]
; DT[2024-04-12,2024-04-14]
; HA[h2]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[99]
; CM[ (submitted by kraljand)]
 1 Podpera Lukas          7d CZ  APWS  16   6    82   8+/w    4+/b    6+/w    2+/w    3+/b    5+/b     |13201914
 2 Medak Stjepan          3d HR  Vrba  15   5    81   3+/w    5+/b    16+/w   1-/b    4+/b    7+/w     |17437574
 3 Crvelin Roko           3d HR  Zagr  14   4    81   2-/b    12+/w   7+/w    6+/b    1-/w    13+/w    |18262739
 4 Timko Michal           3d CZ  APWS  14   4    80   16+/b   1-/w    10+/b   5+/b    2-/w    6+/w     |16462072
 5 Butala Gregor          5d SI  Ljub  13   3    82   10+/b   2-/w    8+/b    4-/w    11+/b   1-/w     |10433016
 6 Silfver Anton          3d SE  Link  13   3    82   9+/b    7+/w    1-/b    3-/w    14+/w   4-/b     |15933236
 7 Liu Zhentao            5d CH  Zur   13   3    78   11+/w   6-/b    3-/b    14+/w   10+/w   2-/b     |20437791
 8 Dubakovic Dragan       3d RS  KGRa  13   3    76   1-/b    13+/b   5-/w    11-/w   18+/b   10+/w    |10637451
 9 Danek Vladimir         5d CZ  APra  13   3    71   6-/w    16-/b   19+/w   10-/b   15+/w   11+/b    |10213016
10 Kralj Andrej           3d SI  Ljub  12   2    78   5-/w    11+/b   4-/w    9+/w    7-/b    8-/b     |10325986
11 Suc Timotej            4d SI  Ljub  12   2    76   7-/b    10-/w   15+/b   8+/b    5-/w    9-/w     |12533697
12 Tomsu Adriana          2d CZ  TFMi  12   3    71   15+/w   3-/b    14-/b   13-/w   20+/w   19+/b    |16225396
13 Swan Andrew            1d UK  Ljub  12   4    71   18+/b   8-/w    21+/w   12+/b   16+/w   3-/b     |14913536
14 Tukara Tadej           1d HR  Gare  12   4    70   17+/w   21+/b   12+/w   7-/b    6-/b    16+/w    |18513286
15 Janza Janez            2d SI  Mari  12   3    69   12-/b   17+/b   11-/w   16+/w   9-/b    20+/w    |10433346
16 Galic Damir            3d SI  Ljub  11   1    78   4-/w    9+/w    2-/b    15-/b   13-/b   14-/b    |13050510
17 Flajs Andrej           2d SI  Ljub  11   2    63   14-/b   15-/w   18-/w   20-/b   23+/b   22+/b    |14898048
18 Sladetic Teo           1k HR  Zagr  11   4    63   13-/w   25+/w   17+/b   21+/b   8-/w    23+/b    |18298742
19 Vlahovic Karlo         1k HR  VGor  11   4    61   25+/b   20+/w   9-/b    23+/w   22+/w   12-/w    |18637256
20 Skocic Oliver          1k HR  GKIN  10   3    64   23+/w   19-/b   22+/w   17+/w   12-/b   15-/b    |19613396
21 Logar Maja             1d SI  Ljub  10   1    60   22+/b   14-/w   13-/b   18-/w   0=      0=       |14886740
22 Hilbert David          1d AT  Graz  9    1    60   21-/w   23-/b   20-/b   24+/w   19-/b   17-/w    |10486861
23 Milosevic Aleksandar   1k RS  BGbg  9    2    60   20-/b   22+/w   25+/b   19-/b   17-/w   18-/w    |10350109
24 Zderic Tonka           4k HR  Zagr  9    5    44   33+/b   28+/b   26+/w   22-/b   30+/w   25+/w    |18286741
25 Hajdukovic Ziga        2k SI  Ljub  8    2    55   19-/w   18-/b   23-/w   28+/w   26+/b   24-/b    |17913093
26 Sicic Jakov            4k HR  VGor  8    4    42   27+/b   35+/w   24-/b   30+/w   25-/w   31+/b    |19098651
27 Hu Lilly               4k AT  Go7   8    4    37   26-/w   31-/b   34+/b   35+/w   36+/w   28+/w    |19737641
28 Jurasek Ondrej         4k CZ  Brno  7    3    42=  29+/b   24-/w   35+/w   25-/b   31+/w   27-/b    |12337534
29 Turk Tadej             4k SI  Krnj  6=   0    27   28-/w   0=      0=      0=      0=      0=       |17450895
30 Hu Cherry              5k AT  Go7   6    3    41   34+/b   33+/w   31+/w   26-/b   24-/b   32-/w    |19786745
31 Ribicic Vladimir       4k HR  VGor  6    2    40   35-/b   27+/w   30-/b   32+/w   28-/b   26-/w    |16450247
32 Zdovc Andrej           6k SI  Ljub  6    4    31=  36+/w   34-/w   33+/b   31-/b   40+/w9  30+/b    |20462046
33 Veselinovic Zeljko     4k RS  NiPr  6    2    31   24-/w   30-/b   32-/w   36-/b   38+/w9  41+/w9   |10337107
34 Denadic Nenad          5k SI  Krnj  6    2    31   30-/w   32+/b   27-/w   0=      0=      36+/b    |12674904
35 Paar Kurt              4k AT  Wien  5    1    37   31+/w   26-/b   28-/b   27-/b   39-/w9  38-/w9   |10286936
36 Holubar Andras         6k HU  PaGo  5    3    34=  32-/b   37+/w   39+/w8  33+/w   27-/b   34-/w    |12433179
37 Suc Enej               7k SI  Ljub  4=   3    18=  0=      36-/b   38-/w9  0+      41+/w9  39+/w7   |19398456
38 Kralj Ziga            18k SI  Ljub  4    4    23   39-/b   40+/w   37+/b9  41+/w2  33-/b9  35+/b9   |20398642
39 Hajdukovic Ivana      16k SI  Ljub  4    4    22   38+/w   41+/w4  36-/b8  40+/b   35+/b9  37-/b7   |19798746
40 Sicic Judita          17k HR  VGor  2=   2    16=  0=      38-/b   41+/w3  39-/w   32-/b9  0+       |19486709
41 Suc Teja              22k SI  Ljub  1    1    21   0+      39-/b4  40-/b3  38-/b2  37-/b9  33-/b9   |20186045
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Andrew Swan's

Andrew Swan's opponents list
1 18298742 Teo Sladetic      HR Zagr 1k 1994 0 18 1491353618298742T240412A1
2 10637451 Dragan Dubakovic      RS KGRa 3d 2308 0 8 1063745114913536T240412A2
3 14886740 Maja Logar      SI Ljub 1d 2092 0 21 1491353614886740T240412A3
4 16225396 Adriana Podperova      CZ TFMi 2d 2202 0 12 1622539614913536T240412A4
5 13050510 Damir Galic      SI Ljub 3d 2285 0 16 1491353613050510T240412A5
6 18262739 Roko Crvelin      HR Zagr 3d 2263 0 3 1826273914913536T240412A6

Sgf file of the game Sgf file of the game with comments no Sgf file see all matches vs this player

  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
Austria AT 3 4 Go7 2
        Graz 1
        Wien 1
Switzerland CH 1 1 Zur 1
Czechia CZ 4 5 APra 1
        APWS 2
        Brno 1
        TFMi 1
Croatia HR 5 10 Gare 1
        GKIN 1
        VGor 4
        Vrba 1
        Zagr 3
Hungary HU 1 1 PaGo 1
Republic of Serbia RS 3 3 BGbg 1
        KGRa 1
        NiPr 1
Sweden SE 1 1 Link 1
Slovenia SI 3 15 Krnj 2
        Ljub 12
        Mari 1
United Kingdom UK 1 1 Ljub 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
9 22 41
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