Danmarksmesterskab 2024
.: T240510B :.

Submitted by Torben Pedersen (kgok)

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; TC[T240510B]
; CL[A]
; EV[Danmarksmesterskab 2024]
; PC[DK, Copenhagen]
; DT[2024-05-10,2024-05-12]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[120]
; CM[ (submitted by kgok)]
116798815Mathis_Elmgaard Isaksen4dDKKGK106442513+/w4+/b2+/b5+/w6+/w9+/b
212613920Uffe Rasmussen4dDKKGK84462558+/b5+/b1-/w7+/w4+/w3-/b
317001732Mikkel_Kragh Mathiesen1dDKKGK84462551-/b7+/w8+/w4-/w5+/b2+/w
410401842Torben Pedersen3dDKKGK84452496+/b1-/w9+/w3+/b2-/b8+/w
510398762Ulrik Bro-Joergensen4dDKKGK73412397+/b2-/w6+/w1-/b3-/w13+/b
610449197Frank Hansen3dDKKGK73392294-/w9+/b5-/b8+/w1-/b12+/w
716349025Jannik Gram1dDKKGK73392225-/w3-/b10+/w2-/b11+/b0+
813998413Lars Kristensen2kDKKGK62402412-/w11+/w3-/b6-/b0+4-/b
916013129Antti Manttari2kFIYli633420310+/b6-/w4-/b12+/w13+/w1-/w
1018349067Olivier Lauzanne3kFR92Le64251739-/w13+/b7-/b0+12+/b11+/w
1110733987Graham Lamont4kUKWinc432517912+/w8-/b0+13+/b7-/w10-/b
1216498317Gregorio Ussardi6kITTrev222517311-/b0+13+/w9-/b10-/w6-/b
1320413987Thore Hastrup20kDKKGK11251750+10-/w12-/b11-/w9-/b5-/w
; TC[T240510B]
; CL[A]
; EV[Danmarksmesterskab 2024]
; PC[DK, Copenhagen]
; DT[2024-05-10,2024-05-12]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[120]
; CM[ (submitted by kgok)]
 1 Isaksen Mathis_Elmgaard  4d DK  KGK   10   6    44   251  3+/w    4+/b    2+/b    5+/w    6+/w    9+/b     |16798815
 2 Rasmussen Uffe           4d DK  KGK   8    4    46   255  8+/b    5+/b    1-/w    7+/w    4+/w    3-/b     |12613920
 3 Mathiesen Mikkel_Kragh   1d DK  KGK   8    4    46   255  1-/b    7+/w    8+/w    4-/w    5+/b    2+/w     |17001732
 4 Pedersen Torben          3d DK  KGK   8    4    45   249  6+/b    1-/w    9+/w    3+/b    2-/b    8+/w     |10401842
 5 Bro-Joergensen Ulrik     4d DK  KGK   7    3    41   239  7+/b    2-/w    6+/w    1-/b    3-/w    13+/b    |10398762
 6 Hansen Frank             3d DK  KGK   7    3    39   229  4-/w    9+/b    5-/b    8+/w    1-/b    12+/w    |10449197
 7 Gram Jannik              1d DK  KGK   7    3    39   222  5-/w    3-/b    10+/w   2-/b    11+/b   0+       |16349025
 8 Kristensen Lars          2k DK  KGK   6    2    40   241  2-/w    11+/w   3-/b    6-/b    0+      4-/b     |13998413
 9 Manttari Antti           2k FI  Yli   6    3    34   203  10+/b   6-/w    4-/b    12+/w   13+/w   1-/w     |16013129
10 Lauzanne Olivier         3k FR  92Le  6    4    25   173  9-/w    13+/b   7-/b    0+      12+/b   11+/w    |18349067
11 Lamont Graham            4k UK  Winc  4    3    25   179  12+/w   8-/b    0+      13+/b   7-/w    10-/b    |10733987
12 Ussardi Gregorio         6k IT  Trev  2    2    25   173  11-/b   0+      13+/w   9-/b    10-/w   6-/b     |16498317
13 Hastrup Thore           20k DK  KGK   1    1    25   175  0+      10-/w   12-/b   11-/w   9-/b    5-/w     |20413987
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Graham Lamont's

Graham Lamont's opponents list
1 16498317 Gregorio Ussardi      IT Trev 6k 1533 0 12 1073398716498317T240510B1
2 13998413 Lars Kristensen      DK KGK 2k 1921 0 8 1399841310733987T240510B2
4 20413987 Thore Hastrup      DK KGK 20k 100 0 13 1073398720413987T240510B4
5 16349025 Jannik Gram      DK KGK 1d 2107 0 7 1634902510733987T240510B5
6 18349067 Olivier Lauzanne      FR 92Le 3k 1777 0 10 1834906710733987T240510B6

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  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
Denmark DK 1 9 KGK 9
Finland FI 1 1 Yli 1
France FR 1 1 92Le 1
Italy IT 1 1 Trev 1
United Kingdom UK 1 1 Winc 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
5 5 13
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