Cupa Trovantilor 2024
.: T240906B :.

Submitted by Oprisan Liviu (liviuo)

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; TC[T240906B]
; CL[C]
; EV[Cupa Trovantilor 2024]
; PC[RO, Costesti Valcea]
; DT[2024-09-06,2024-09-08]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[52.5]
; CM[ (submitted by liviuo)]
; Generated by OpenGotha 3.52.03
; Pl Name Rk Co Club MMS SOSSOSOS DC
110349240Dragos Bajenaru6dROGoGo2712361906+/b02+/w03+/b04+/b05+/w0
210333389Cristian Pop7dROGoGo2612461504+/w01-/b05+/w03+/b08+/b0
310998163Ion Florescu6dROMEIJ2512460907+/b011+/b01-/w02-/w04+/w0
410325392Daniel Cioata5dROMEIJ2412560802-/b07+/w010+/b01-/w03-/b0
518201084Liviu Balasoiu1dROGoGo2412560508+/b06+/w02-/b07+/w01-/b0
610386409Bela Nagy4dROGoGo2412160101-/w05-/b012+/b08-/w010+/b0
710350395Lucretiu Calota4dUKStAl2411960903-/w04-/b011+/b05-/b012+/w0
810325293George_Cristian Ghetu3dROCluj2411860305-/w010+/b016+/w06+/b02-/w0
919533602Sara_Maria Ghetu4kROCluj24107541011-/w015+/w014+/b016+/b017+/w0
1015813721George_Cristian Chirila3dROGoGo23118589012+/b08-/w04-/w013+/b06-/w0
1118374708Madalin-Alexandru Gheorghe1kROBrsv2311858009+/b03-/w07-/w012-/w014+/b0
1218513517Alexandru_Nicolas Patrascu1dROGoGo23117584010-/w013+/b06-/w011+/b07-/b0
1319025754Alexandru-Ionut Crihan5kROMEIJ23108558014+/b012-/w017+/b010-/w016+/w0
1420186452Radu-Cristian Oprisan6kROGoGo22113548013-/w016+/b09-/w015+/b011-/w0
1519525605Denis_Mihai Ghetu11kROCluj22100512016-/w09-/b018+/b014-/w019+/w0
1620398620Andrei-Luca Heemeryck5kROGoGo21115546015+/b014-/w08-/b09-/w013-/b0
1720113918David-Alexandru Sava14kROGoGo1995471018+/b019+/w013-/w021+/b09-/b0
1820433974Sebastian-Nicholas Penciu15kROGoGo1788437017-/w020+/b015-/w019-/b021+/w0
1920525318Stefan_Octavian Bratescu17kROGoGo1689427020+/b017-/b022+/w018+/w015-/b0
2018298720Eva Pop17kROGoGo1674391019-/w018-/w024+/b023+/b026+/b0
2120662081Victor Bajenaru18kROGoGo1579394025+/w022+/b023+/b017-/w018-/b0
2219062758Ana Pop21kROGoGo1570383024+/b021-/w019-/b026+/b025+/w0
2320686083Stefania Bajenaru24kROGoGo1570368026+/w025+/b021-/w020-/w024+/b0
2420650487Sophia_Lara Calota25kROGoGo1471358022-/w026+/b020-/w025+/w023-/w0
2520674489Irina_Elena Birhala25kROGoGo1371363021-/b023-/w026+/w024-/b022-/b0
2620674093Alexandra_Ilinca Nagy25kROGoGo1273356023-/b024-/w025-/b022-/w020-/w0
; TC[T240906B]
; CL[C]
; EV[Cupa Trovantilor 2024]
; PC[RO, Costesti Valcea]
; DT[2024-09-06,2024-09-08]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[52.5]
; CM[ (submitted by liviuo)]
; Generated by OpenGotha 3.52.03
; Pl Name                            Rk Co Club  MMS  SOSSOSOS   DC
 1 Bajenaru Dragos              6d RO  GoGo  27   123  619  0    6+/b0   2+/w0   3+/b0   4+/b0   5+/w0    |10349240
 2 Pop Cristian                 7d RO  GoGo  26   124  615  0    4+/w0   1-/b0   5+/w0   3+/b0   8+/b0    |10333389
 3 Florescu Ion                 6d RO  MEIJ  25   124  609  0    7+/b0   11+/b0  1-/w0   2-/w0   4+/w0    |10998163
 4 Cioata Daniel                5d RO  MEIJ  24   125  608  0    2-/b0   7+/w0   10+/b0  1-/w0   3-/b0    |10325392
 5 Balasoiu Liviu               1d RO  GoGo  24   125  605  0    8+/b0   6+/w0   2-/b0   7+/w0   1-/b0    |18201084
 6 Nagy Bela                    4d RO  GoGo  24   121  601  0    1-/w0   5-/b0   12+/b0  8-/w0   10+/b0   |10386409
 7 Calota Lucretiu              4d UK  StAl  24   119  609  0    3-/w0   4-/b0   11+/b0  5-/b0   12+/w0   |10350395
 8 Ghetu George_Cristian        3d RO  Cluj  24   118  603  0    5-/w0   10+/b0  16+/w0  6+/b0   2-/w0    |10325293
 9 Ghetu Sara_Maria             4k RO  Cluj  24   107  541  0    11-/w0  15+/w0  14+/b0  16+/b0  17+/w0   |19533602
10 Chirila George_Cristian      3d RO  GoGo  23   118  589  0    12+/b0  8-/w0   4-/w0   13+/b0  6-/w0    |15813721
11 Gheorghe Madalin-Alexandru   1k RO  Brsv  23   118  580  0    9+/b0   3-/w0   7-/w0   12-/w0  14+/b0   |18374708
12 Patrascu Alexandru_Nicolas   1d RO  GoGo  23   117  584  0    10-/w0  13+/b0  6-/w0   11+/b0  7-/b0    |18513517
13 Crihan Alexandru-Ionut       5k RO  MEIJ  23   108  558  0    14+/b0  12-/w0  17+/b0  10-/w0  16+/w0   |19025754
14 Oprisan Radu-Cristian        6k RO  GoGo  22   113  548  0    13-/w0  16+/b0  9-/w0   15+/b0  11-/w0   |20186452
15 Ghetu Denis_Mihai           11k RO  Cluj  22   100  512  0    16-/w0  9-/b0   18+/b0  14-/w0  19+/w0   |19525605
16 Heemeryck Andrei-Luca        5k RO  GoGo  21   115  546  0    15+/b0  14-/w0  8-/b0   9-/w0   13-/b0   |20398620
17 Sava David-Alexandru        14k RO  GoGo  19   95   471  0    18+/b0  19+/w0  13-/w0  21+/b0  9-/b0    |20113918
18 Penciu Sebastian-Nicholas   15k RO  GoGo  17   88   437  0    17-/w0  20+/b0  15-/w0  19-/b0  21+/w0   |20433974
19 Bratescu Stefan_Octavian    17k RO  GoGo  16   89   427  0    20+/b0  17-/b0  22+/w0  18+/w0  15-/b0   |20525318
20 Pop Eva                     17k RO  GoGo  16   74   391  0    19-/w0  18-/w0  24+/b0  23+/b0  26+/b0   |18298720
21 Bajenaru Victor             18k RO  GoGo  15   79   394  0    25+/w0  22+/b0  23+/b0  17-/w0  18-/b0   |20662081
22 Pop Ana                     21k RO  GoGo  15   70   383  0    24+/b0  21-/w0  19-/b0  26+/b0  25+/w0   |19062758
23 Bajenaru Stefania           24k RO  GoGo  15   70   368  0    26+/w0  25+/b0  21-/w0  20-/w0  24+/b0   |20686083
24 Calota Sophia_Lara          25k RO  GoGo  14   71   358  0    22-/w0  26+/b0  20-/w0  25+/w0  23-/w0   |20650487
25 Birhala Irina_Elena         25k RO  GoGo  13   71   363  0    21-/b0  23-/w0  26+/w0  24-/b0  22-/b0   |20674489
26 Nagy Alexandra_Ilinca       25k RO  GoGo  12   73   356  0    23-/b0  24-/w0  25-/b0  22-/w0  20-/w0   |20674093
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Lucretiu Calota's

Lucretiu Calota's opponents list
1 10998163 Ion Florescu      RO MEIJ 6d 2614 0 3 1099816310350395T240906B1
2 10325392 Daniel Cioata      RO MEIJ 5d 2494 0 4 1032539210350395T240906B2
3 18374708 Madalin-Alexandru Gheorghe      RO Brsv 1k 1987 0 11 1035039518374708T240906B3
4 18201084 Liviu Balasoiu      RO GoGo 1d 2141 0 5 1820108410350395T240906B4
5 18513517 Alexandru_Nicolas Patrascu      RO GoGo 1d 2071 0 12 1035039518513517T240906B5

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  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
Romania RO 4 25 Brsv 1
        Cluj 3
        GoGo 18
        MEIJ 3
United Kingdom UK 1 1 StAl 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
2 5 26
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