.: T240907C :.

Submitted by Matt Marsh (marshmn)

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; TC[T240907C]
; CL[B]
; EV[Nottingham]
; PC[UK, Nottingham]
; DT[2024-09-07,2024-09-07]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[50]
; CM[ (submitted by marshmn)]
;McMahon Bar 2d players 8
118574864Peikai Xue4dUKUCL3439807+/w04+/b02+/w0
220398257Zhan Shi3dUKManc33210005+/w03+/w01-/b0
320474762Jake Game4dUKSwin3329708+/w02-/b06+/w0
416086059Bruno Poltronieri4dUKCamb3329706+/b01-/w09+/b0
518913279Ryan Zhang2dUKLGC3329602-/b010+/w08+/w0
619837015Alvina Kwok2dUKNoCb3219804-/w07+/b03-/b0
710201026Piers Shepperson3dUKNott3219701-/b06-/w011+/b0
810298046Alistair Wall2dUKNoCb3219703-/b09+/w05-/b0
910233124Christian Scarff1dUKSwin31196011+/b08-/b04-/w0
1010286067Toby Manning1dUKLeic31194012-/w05-/b014+/w0
1118933376George Zhou1dUKShfd3119409-/w012+/b07-/w0
1218033906Ai Guan1kUKBmhm31292010+/b011-/w013+/w0
1320650498William Shaw1kUKNott3008900=00=012-/b0
1420150438Jack Warren2kUKNott30289015+/b016+/w010-/b0
1513933964Richard Bentley2kUKDurm29187014-/w018+/w017-/w0
1618650269Tim James3kUKNott29285018+/b014-/b019+/w0
1718998276Conor Hunt4kUKBrtn29382019+/w021+/w015+/b0
1819898571Daniel Guest3kUKShfU28184016-/w015-/b020+/w0
1919850578Florian Pein4kUKLanc27184017-/b020+/w016-/b0
2019733912Owen Ambridge5kUKCamb26181022+/w019-/b018-/b0
2119874932George Austin_Sydes5kUKNott26180024+/w017-/b022-/w0
2210849421Peter_J Fisher5kUKLeic26177020-/b025-/w021+/b0
2320162439Sam Curran7kUKShfd26374026+/b024+/b025+/w0
2420533634Robert Kropholler6kUKLeam25176021-/b023-/w027+/b0
2519833572Joseph Violet7kUKNott25275030+/w022+/b023-/b0
2614801556Robin Dews6kUKNott24074023-/w027-/w00=0
2716825490Yuzhang Wu8kUKManU24273028+/b026+/b024-/w0
2819037678Leandro_Soriano Marcolino8kUKLanc24270027-/w030+/b031+/w0
2920486763Joshua Burland9kUKCard24367031+/b032+/w130+/w0
3014001702Brent Cutts7kUKNott23073025-/b028-/w029-/b0
3114762583David Wildgoose8kUKShfd23161029-/w035+/w928-/b0
3220686501Stuart Bray11kUKNott21149035-/w829-/b136+/w7
3310801824Daffyd Robinson13kUKLcln19237036-/w634+/b037+/w9
3420349538Kerry Poltronieri14kUKCamb17140037+/w733-/w035-/w4
3519374014Phillip Harvey19kUKNott13261032+/b831-/b934+/b4
3620350517Paul_Leslie Smith20kUKNott12248033+/b637+/w232-/b7
3720698502Mark Beeston24kUKNott8048034-/b736-/b233-/b9
; TC[T240907C]
; CL[B]
; EV[Nottingham]
; PC[UK, Nottingham]
; DT[2024-09-07,2024-09-07]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[50]
; CM[ (submitted by marshmn)]
;McMahon Bar 2d  players 8
;POSN NAME                       GR CO CLU    MMS WIN     SOS  NONE        1         2         3  
 1 Xue Peikai                  4d UK  UCL   34   3    98   0    7+/w0   4+/b0   2+/w0    |18574864
 2 Shi Zhan                    3d UK  Manc  33   2    100  0    5+/w0   3+/w0   1-/b0    |20398257
 3 Game Jake                   4d UK  Swin  33   2    97   0    8+/w0   2-/b0   6+/w0    |20474762
 4 Poltronieri Bruno           4d UK  Camb  33   2    97   0    6+/b0   1-/w0   9+/b0    |16086059
 5 Zhang Ryan                  2d UK  LGC   33   2    96   0    2-/b0   10+/w0  8+/w0    |18913279
 6 Kwok Alvina                 2d UK  NoCb  32   1    98   0    4-/w0   7+/b0   3-/b0    |19837015
 7 Shepperson Piers            3d UK  Nott  32   1    97   0    1-/b0   6-/w0   11+/b0   |10201026
 8 Wall Alistair               2d UK  NoCb  32   1    97   0    3-/b0   9+/w0   5-/b0    |10298046
 9 Scarff Christian            1d UK  Swin  31   1    96   0    11+/b0  8-/b0   4-/w0    |10233124
10 Manning Toby                1d UK  Leic  31   1    94   0    12-/w0  5-/b0   14+/w0   |10286067
11 Zhou George                 1d UK  Shfd  31   1    94   0    9-/w0   12+/b0  7-/w0    |18933376
12 Guan Ai                     1k UK  Bmhm  31   2    92   0    10+/b0  11-/w0  13+/w0   |18033906
13 Shaw William                1k UK  Nott  30   0    89   0    0=0     0=0     12-/b0   |20650498
14 Warren Jack                 2k UK  Nott  30   2    89   0    15+/b0  16+/w0  10-/b0   |20150438
15 Bentley Richard             2k UK  Durm  29   1    87   0    14-/w0  18+/w0  17-/w0   |13933964
16 James Tim                   3k UK  Nott  29   2    85   0    18+/b0  14-/b0  19+/w0   |18650269
17 Hunt Conor                  4k UK  Brtn  29   3    82   0    19+/w0  21+/w0  15+/b0   |18998276
18 Guest Daniel                3k UK  ShfU  28   1    84   0    16-/w0  15-/b0  20+/w0   |19898571
19 Pein Florian                4k UK  Lanc  27   1    84   0    17-/b0  20+/w0  16-/b0   |19850578
20 Ambridge Owen               5k UK  Camb  26   1    81   0    22+/w0  19-/b0  18-/b0   |19733912
21 Austin_Sydes George         5k UK  Nott  26   1    80   0    24+/w0  17-/b0  22-/w0   |19874932
22 Fisher Peter_J              5k UK  Leic  26   1    77   0    20-/b0  25-/w0  21+/b0   |10849421
23 Curran Sam                  7k UK  Shfd  26   3    74   0    26+/b0  24+/b0  25+/w0   |20162439
24 Kropholler Robert           6k UK  Leam  25   1    76   0    21-/b0  23-/w0  27+/b0   |20533634
25 Violet Joseph               7k UK  Nott  25   2    75   0    30+/w0  22+/b0  23-/b0   |19833572
26 Dews Robin                  6k UK  Nott  24   0    74   0    23-/w0  27-/w0  0=0      |14801556
27 Wu Yuzhang                  8k UK  ManU  24   2    73   0    28+/b0  26+/b0  24-/w0   |16825490
28 Marcolino Leandro_Soriano   8k UK  Lanc  24   2    70   0    27-/w0  30+/b0  31+/w0   |19037678
29 Burland Joshua              9k UK  Card  24   3    67   0    31+/b0  32+/w1  30+/w0   |20486763
30 Cutts Brent                 7k UK  Nott  23   0    73   0    25-/b0  28-/w0  29-/b0   |14001702
31 Wildgoose David             8k UK  Shfd  23   1    61   0    29-/w0  35+/w9  28-/b0   |14762583
32 Bray Stuart                11k UK  Nott  21   1    49   0    35-/w8  29-/b1  36+/w7   |20686501
33 Robinson Daffyd            13k UK  Lcln  19   2    37   0    36-/w6  34+/b0  37+/w9   |10801824
34 Poltronieri Kerry          14k UK  Camb  17   1    40   0    37+/w7  33-/w0  35-/w4   |20349538
35 Harvey Phillip             19k UK  Nott  13   2    61   0    32+/b8  31-/b9  34+/b4   |19374014
36 Smith Paul_Leslie          20k UK  Nott  12   2    48   0    33+/b6  37+/w2  32-/b7   |20350517
37 Beeston Mark               24k UK  Nott  8    0    48   0    34-/b7  36-/b2  33-/b9   |20698502
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Brent Cutts'

Brent Cutts' opponents list
1 19833572 Joseph Violet      UK Nott 7k 1387 0 25 1983357214001702T240907C1
2 19037678 Leandro_Soriano Marcolino      UK Lanc 8k 1273 0 28 1903767814001702T240907C2
3 20486763 Joshua Burland      UK Card 9k 1203 0 29 2048676314001702T240907C3

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  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
United Kingdom UK 18 37 Bmhm 1
        Brtn 1
        Camb 3
        Card 1
        Durm 1
        Lanc 2
        Lcln 1
        Leam 1
        Leic 2
        LGC 1
        Manc 1
        ManU 1
        NoCb 2
        Nott 12
        Shfd 3
        ShfU 1
        Swin 2
        UCL 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
1 18 37
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