2024 Confucius Cup
.: T240921E :.

Submitted by Eoghan Barry (rottenhat)

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; TC[T240921E]
; CL[A]
; EV[2024 Confucius Cup]
; PC[IE, Dublin]
; DT[2024-09-21,2024-09-22]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[82.5]
; CM[Standard byo-yomi (submitted by rottenhat)]
; Generated by OpenGotha 3.52.03
; Pl Name Rk Co Club MMS DC SOSSOSOS
112837968Mateusz Surma3pPLDzim37217988714+/w04-/b05+/b06+/w02+/w0
213201914Lukas Podpera7dCZAPWS37117989412+/b09+/w04+/b03+/w01-/b0
310325249Cornel Burzo6dROBaMa3701798946+/b05+/w012+/b02-/b04+/w0
410837827Koichiro Habu5dPLKrak36318088315+/b01+/w02-/w08+/b03-/b0
514225926Dominik Boviz6dHUMGE3621798908+/w03-/b01-/w010+/b09+/w0
614601631Valerian Bouette4dFR93Mo3611788803-/w011+/b010+/w01-/b013+/b0
720698601Fengyin Zhang5dIEDubl3601718690=10-/b013+/w012+/w08+/b0
819733813Xinqun Lu4dIEDubl3531778795-/b014+/b09+/w04-/w07-/w0
918525012Yuze Xing5dDEHD35217888510+/w02-/b08-/b011+/w05-/b0
1017486205Sinan Dzhepov5dBGSlvP3511778699-/b07+/w06-/b05-/w016+/w0
1119637948Bende Barcza3dHUPaGo35017387513+/b06-/w015+/w09-/b012+/w0
1210350395Lucretiu Calota4dUKStAl3441788702-/w017+/b03-/w07-/b011-/b0
1319837015Alvina Kwok3dUKNoCb34317283611-/w021+/w17-/b024+/w16-/w0
1418013798Gong Cheng4dUKLonC3421718511-/b08-/w00=0=0=
1510386926Philippe Renaut3dIEGalw3411698474-/w020+/w011-/b00=17+/b0
1613862035Piotr Dyszczyk1dPLLubl34016383122+/w024+/b017+/b020+/w010-/b0
1713649218Przemyslaw Dyszczyk2dIEDubl33316883320+/b012-/w016-/w018+/b015-/w0
1813625051Marc Stoehr1dSEStoc33215779524-/w022+/b019+/b017-/w026+/w0
1920633602Yiming Ran1dIEDubl33115877521-/b028+/w118-/w023+/w020+/b0
2018913279Ryan Zhang3dUKLGC33016681817-/w015-/b022+/w116-/b019-/w0
2116786836Alex Delogu1kIEDubl32015476619+/w013-/b128+/w20=0=
2217874483John Courtney1dIEDubl31216078816-/b018-/w020-/b10=23+/w0
2320586236Larion Syrotkin2kIECork31115276829+/w026+/b024+/w019-/b022-/b0
2410601382Stephen Flinter1kIEDubl31016078718+/b016-/w023-/b013-/b125+/w0
2512850431Tiberiu Gociu4kIEBelf29214371627+/w00=29+/b026+/w024-/b0
2610733514Peter Kasko2kIEDubl29114973828+/w023-/w00=25-/b018-/b0
2719701814Byoung-Ju Lee4kIEDubl29013663125-/b032+/w433+/w828+/b00=
2820325305Vladimir Munteanu3kROMEIJ28114670926-/b019-/b121-/b227-/w031+/w4
2914362513Piotr Gawron3kPLDubl28014167723-/b00=25-/w031-/w50=
3020425537Xiangting Pan10kIEDubl2301065180=33-/w231+/b032+/w034+/w2
3116825237Laura Ravoi11kFR13Ma22111260032+/b134+/w230-/w029+/b528-/b4
3220486532Serafeim Zanikolas9kGRxxxx22011354731-/w127-/b434-/w330-/b033+/w1
3319701781Alessandro Conflitti14kITRoma1919950434+/w030+/b227-/b836+/w632-/b1
3420550035Sergii Paliutin13kIEDubl1909449733-/b031-/b232+/b335+/w130-/b2
3520601603Henry Williams18kIEDubl140673290=0=0=34-/b136+/w2
3620613604Conor Strickland24kIEDubl110553160=0=0=33-/b635-/b2
; TC[T240921E]
; CL[A]
; EV[2024 Confucius Cup]
; PC[IE, Dublin]
; DT[2024-09-21,2024-09-22]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[82.5]
; CM[Standard byo-yomi (submitted by rottenhat)]
; Generated by OpenGotha 3.52.03
; Pl Name                            Rk Co Club  MMS   DC  SOSSOSOS
 1 Surma Mateusz          3p PL  Dzim  37   2    179  887  14+/w0  4-/b0   5+/b0   6+/w0   2+/w0    |12837968
 2 Podpera Lukas          7d CZ  APWS  37   1    179  894  12+/b0  9+/w0   4+/b0   3+/w0   1-/b0    |13201914
 3 Burzo Cornel           6d RO  BaMa  37   0    179  894  6+/b0   5+/w0   12+/b0  2-/b0   4+/w0    |10325249
 4 Habu Koichiro          5d PL  Krak  36   3    180  883  15+/b0  1+/w0   2-/w0   8+/b0   3-/b0    |10837827
 5 Boviz Dominik          6d HU  MGE   36   2    179  890  8+/w0   3-/b0   1-/w0   10+/b0  9+/w0    |14225926
 6 Bouette Valerian       4d FR  93Mo  36   1    178  880  3-/w0   11+/b0  10+/w0  1-/b0   13+/b0   |14601631
 7 Zhang Fengyin          5d IE  Dubl  36   0    171  869  0=      10-/b0  13+/w0  12+/w0  8+/b0    |20698601
 8 Lu Xinqun              4d IE  Dubl  35   3    177  879  5-/b0   14+/b0  9+/w0   4-/w0   7-/w0    |19733813
 9 Xing Yuze              5d DE  HD    35   2    178  885  10+/w0  2-/b0   8-/b0   11+/w0  5-/b0    |18525012
10 Dzhepov Sinan          5d BG  SlvP  35   1    177  869  9-/b0   7+/w0   6-/b0   5-/w0   16+/w0   |17486205
11 Barcza Bende           3d HU  PaGo  35   0    173  875  13+/b0  6-/w0   15+/w0  9-/b0   12+/w0   |19637948
12 Calota Lucretiu        4d UK  StAl  34   4    178  870  2-/w0   17+/b0  3-/w0   7-/b0   11-/b0   |10350395
13 Kwok Alvina            3d UK  NoCb  34   3    172  836  11-/w0  21+/w1  7-/b0   24+/w1  6-/w0    |19837015
14 Cheng Gong             4d UK  LonC  34   2    171  851  1-/b0   8-/w0   0=      0=      0=       |18013798
15 Renaut Philippe        3d IE  Galw  34   1    169  847  4-/w0   20+/w0  11-/b0  0=      17+/b0   |10386926
16 Dyszczyk Piotr         1d PL  Lubl  34   0    163  831  22+/w0  24+/b0  17+/b0  20+/w0  10-/b0   |13862035
17 Dyszczyk Przemyslaw    2d IE  Dubl  33   3    168  833  20+/b0  12-/w0  16-/w0  18+/b0  15-/w0   |13649218
18 Stoehr Marc            1d SE  Stoc  33   2    157  795  24-/w0  22+/b0  19+/b0  17-/w0  26+/w0   |13625051
19 Ran Yiming             1d IE  Dubl  33   1    158  775  21-/b0  28+/w1  18-/w0  23+/w0  20+/b0   |20633602
20 Zhang Ryan             3d UK  LGC   33   0    166  818  17-/w0  15-/b0  22+/w1  16-/b0  19-/w0   |18913279
21 Delogu Alex            1k IE  Dubl  32   0    154  766  19+/w0  13-/b1  28+/w2  0=      0=       |16786836
22 Courtney John          1d IE  Dubl  31   2    160  788  16-/b0  18-/w0  20-/b1  0=      23+/w0   |17874483
23 Syrotkin Larion        2k IE  Cork  31   1    152  768  29+/w0  26+/b0  24+/w0  19-/b0  22-/b0   |20586236
24 Flinter Stephen        1k IE  Dubl  31   0    160  787  18+/b0  16-/w0  23-/b0  13-/b1  25+/w0   |10601382
25 Gociu Tiberiu          4k IE  Belf  29   2    143  716  27+/w0  0=      29+/b0  26+/w0  24-/b0   |12850431
26 Kasko Peter            2k IE  Dubl  29   1    149  738  28+/w0  23-/w0  0=      25-/b0  18-/b0   |10733514
27 Lee Byoung-Ju          4k IE  Dubl  29   0    136  631  25-/b0  32+/w4  33+/w8  28+/b0  0=       |19701814
28 Munteanu Vladimir      3k RO  MEIJ  28   1    146  709  26-/b0  19-/b1  21-/b2  27-/w0  31+/w4   |20325305
29 Gawron Piotr           3k PL  Dubl  28   0    141  677  23-/b0  0=      25-/w0  31-/w5  0=       |14362513
30 Pan Xiangting         10k IE  Dubl  23   0    106  518  0=      33-/w2  31+/b0  32+/w0  34+/w2   |20425537
31 Ravoi Laura           11k FR  13Ma  22   1    112  600  32+/b1  34+/w2  30-/w0  29+/b5  28-/b4   |16825237
32 Zanikolas Serafeim     9k GR  xxxx  22   0    113  547  31-/w1  27-/b4  34-/w3  30-/b0  33+/w1   |20486532
33 Conflitti Alessandro  14k IT  Roma  19   1    99   504  34+/w0  30+/b2  27-/b8  36+/w6  32-/b1   |19701781
34 Paliutin Sergii       13k IE  Dubl  19   0    94   497  33-/b0  31-/b2  32+/b3  35+/w1  30-/b2   |20550035
35 Williams Henry        18k IE  Dubl  14   0    67   329  0=      0=      0=      34-/b1  36+/w2   |20601603
36 Strickland Conor      24k IE  Dubl  11   0    55   316  0=      0=      0=      33-/b6  35-/b2   |20613604
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Gong Cheng's

Gong Cheng's opponents list
1 12837968 Mateusz Surma      PL Dzim 3p 2745 0 1 1283796818013798T240921E1
2 19733813 Xinqun Lu      IE Dubl 4d 2391 0 8 1973381318013798T240921E2

Sgf file of the game Sgf file of the game with comments no Sgf file see all matches vs this player

  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
Bulgaria BG 1 1 SlvP 1
Czechia CZ 1 1 APWS 1
Germany DE 1 1 HD 1
France FR 2 2 13Ma 1
        93Mo 1
Greece GR 1 1 xxxx 1
Hungary HU 2 2 MGE 1
        PaGo 1
Ireland IE 4 16 Belf 1
        Cork 1
        Dubl 13
        Galw 1
Italy IT 1 1 Roma 1
Poland PL 4 4 Dubl 1
        Dzim 1
        Krak 1
        Lubl 1
Romania RO 2 2 BaMa 1
        MEIJ 1
Sweden SE 1 1 Stoc 1
United Kingdom UK 4 4 LGC 1
        LonC 1
        NoCb 1
        StAl 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
12 24 36
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