Open de Geneve 24
.: T241005D :.

Submitted by Lorenz Trippel (erdbeer)

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; TC[T241005D]
; CL[A]
; EV[Open de Geneve 24]
; PC[CH, Grand Saleve Veyrier]
; DT[2024-10-05,2024-10-06]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[82]
; CM[Standard byo-yomi (submitted by erdbeer)]
; Generated by OpenGotha 3.52
; Pl Name Rk Co Club MMS SOSSOSOS
118913279Ryan Zhang3dUKLndn311447105+/b04+/w02+/b03+/b012+/w0
218398314Chao Zhang5dCHXXX301436408+/w09+/b01-/w012+/b03+/w0
314601631Valerian Bouette4dFR75Ju291457107+/w012+/b04+/b01-/w02-/b0
410533490Sebastien Koch2dCHKogo291456506+/w01-/b03-/w08+/b07+/b0
514774254Rose-Marguerite Martin3kCHKogo291405901-/w011+/b07-/w06+/b015+/b0
620425625Mykyta Istomin4kXXIshi291375504-/b010+/w09+/w05-/w016+/w0
717950361Jean-Charles Boudier2kFRKogo281436303-/b08-/w05+/b010+/w04-/w0
815950308Arnaud Pilet1dCHPei281405702-/b07+/b012+/w04-/w00=
910537802Per Prod`Hom2kCHKogo2813830013+/w02-/w06-/b00=0=
1015086104Sandra Woelffel5kCHKogo2813651015+/w06-/b011+/w07-/b013+/b0
1120325305Vladimir Munteanu3kROMEIJ2812256012-/w05-/w010-/b016+/b017+/w0
1216398547Francois van_Walleghem1kCHKoGo2714660011+/b03-/w08-/b02-/w01-/b0
1313013583Monique Golay5kCHLau271193609-/b016+/w00=17+/b010-/w0
1410574806Jean-Marc Louis6kCHKogo271111900=0=17+/b015+/w00=
1516498295Laurent Ducotterd7kCHCGF2412241010-/b017+/w016-/b014-/b05-/w0
1620449627Henri Brunagel9kCHKogo2312346017+/w013-/b015+/w011-/w06-/b0
1720674621Diego Ibanez15kCHKogo1512934016-/b015-/b014-/w013-/w011-/b0
; TC[T241005D]
; CL[A]
; EV[Open de Geneve 24]
; PC[CH, Grand Saleve Veyrier]
; DT[2024-10-05,2024-10-06]
; HA[h9]
; KM[7.5]
; TM[82]
; CM[Standard byo-yomi (submitted by erdbeer)]
; Generated by OpenGotha 3.52
; Pl Name                            Rk Co Club  MMS  SOSSOSOS
 1 Zhang Ryan               3d UK  Lndn  31   144  71   0    5+/b0   4+/w0   2+/b0   3+/b0   12+/w0   |18913279
 2 Zhang Chao               5d CH  XXX   30   143  64   0    8+/w0   9+/b0   1-/w0   12+/b0  3+/w0    |18398314
 3 Bouette Valerian         4d FR  75Ju  29   145  71   0    7+/w0   12+/b0  4+/b0   1-/w0   2-/b0    |14601631
 4 Koch Sebastien           2d CH  Kogo  29   145  65   0    6+/w0   1-/b0   3-/w0   8+/b0   7+/b0    |10533490
 5 Martin Rose-Marguerite   3k CH  Kogo  29   140  59   0    1-/w0   11+/b0  7-/w0   6+/b0   15+/b0   |14774254
 6 Istomin Mykyta           4k XX  Ishi  29   137  55   0    4-/b0   10+/w0  9+/w0   5-/w0   16+/w0   |20425625
 7 Boudier Jean-Charles     2k FR  Kogo  28   143  63   0    3-/b0   8-/w0   5+/b0   10+/w0  4-/w0    |17950361
 8 Pilet Arnaud             1d CH  Pei   28   140  57   0    2-/b0   7+/b0   12+/w0  4-/w0   0=       |15950308
 9 Prod`Hom Per             2k CH  Kogo  28   138  30   0    13+/w0  2-/w0   6-/b0   0=      0=       |10537802
10 Woelffel Sandra          5k CH  Kogo  28   136  51   0    15+/w0  6-/b0   11+/w0  7-/b0   13+/b0   |15086104
11 Munteanu Vladimir        3k RO  MEIJ  28   122  56   0    12-/w0  5-/w0   10-/b0  16+/b0  17+/w0   |20325305
12 van_Walleghem Francois   1k CH  KoGo  27   146  60   0    11+/b0  3-/w0   8-/b0   2-/w0   1-/b0    |16398547
13 Golay Monique            5k CH  Lau   27   119  36   0    9-/b0   16+/w0  0=      17+/b0  10-/w0   |13013583
14 Louis Jean-Marc          6k CH  Kogo  27   111  19   0    0=      0=      17+/b0  15+/w0  0=       |10574806
15 Ducotterd Laurent        7k CH  CGF   24   122  41   0    10-/b0  17+/w0  16-/b0  14-/b0  5-/w0    |16498295
16 Brunagel Henri           9k CH  Kogo  23   123  46   0    17+/w0  13-/b0  15+/w0  11-/w0  6-/b0    |20449627
17 Ibanez Diego            15k CH  Kogo  15   129  34   0    16-/b0  15-/b0  14-/w0  13-/w0  11-/b0   |20674621
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Ryan Zhang's

Ryan Zhang's opponents list
1 14774254 Rose-Marguerite Martin      CH Kogo 3k 1769 0 5 1891327914774254T241005D1
2 10533490 Sebastien Koch      CH Kogo 2d 2294 0 4 1891327910533490T241005D2
3 18398314 Chao Zhang      CH XXX 5d 2504 0 2 1891327918398314T241005D3
4 14601631 Valerian Bouette      FR 75Ju 4d 2422 0 3 1891327914601631T241005D4
5 16398547 Francois van_Walleghem      CH KoGo 1k 1961 0 12 1891327916398547T241005D5

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  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
Switzerland CH 5 12 CGF 1
        Kogo 8
        Lau 1
        Pei 1
        XXX 1
France FR 2 2 75Ju 1
        Kogo 1
Romania RO 1 1 MEIJ 1
United Kingdom UK 1 1 Lndn 1
Unknown XX 1 1 Ishi 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
5 10 17
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